
A Voice For Community Concerns

We conduct charity, education, improvement, and preservation in Clinton Hill and beyond.

We welcome all who wish to support our beloved Brooklyn community.
Whether you’d like to help improve our historic district, facilitate local
arts events, beautify our streets, or  find others with interests in a
particular cause, we offer resources to work for a better Clinton Hill.
Individual memberships are just $20. Join us!

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Who We Are

Current Officers of the Board

  • Anne Bush, President
  • Roslyn Huebener, Vice President
  • Peter Grossman, Treasurer
  • Frances Rodriguez, Recording Secretary


  • Sunny Argan
  • Suzanne DeBrango
  • Catherine Clark-Fast
  • Dave Haberer
  • Linda Scher
  • Rosaria Sinisi
  • Frampton Tolbert
  • Brett Truitt

Members At-Large

Linda Scher, Brett Truitt, John Rattigan,
Suzanne DeBrango, Roslyn Huebener,
Sundar Argan, Edward McDonald, Tom
Mallan, Debbie Dangerfield, Benjamin
Pasteur, Russell Granger

Members Emeritus

Sharon Barnes, Brent Porter, Jim Barnes

What We Do

Society for Clinton Hill Committees

House Tours
Organize Clinton Hill House Tour once every other year. Tasks include journal production, ad solicitation, coordination of house owners and house-sitters.

Halloween Walk
Organize Halloween Walk every year. Tasks include generation of map for distribution, reviewing any funding requests, and exploring new ways of using this event to generate revenues for the association.

Traffic and Safety
Organize all efforts relating to our streets and safety of the neighborhood. Tasks include all interface with law enforcement and politicians involved in actions that pertain to crime within the community.

Community Outreach
Organize events to promote the association and meetings to new members and existing members alike. Tasks include the production of at least one yearly social event, contacting any new members to welcome and thank them for their support, exhortation of new members.

Cultural Affairs
Organize cultural events, such as plays, concerts or art shows for the association to fund, for the benefit of the community. Tasks include presenting any projects of interest to obtain funding from the board.

Pratt Garden
Organize the beautification, upkeep and maintenance of the Pratt Community Garden, and maintain a schedule of events. Tasks include managing requests for garden use by community members and collection of fees associated with use of the garden.

Architecture and Landmarks
Organize all activities relating to the preservation and protection of the landmark status of the neighborhood, as well as any concerns that may arise relating to the construction of new building and renovation of existing ones. Tasks include the yearly (or bi-yearly?) election of an exterior and interior preservation award.

Community Beautification
Organize efforts to maintain and enhance the appearance of our community’s streetscape.

Mailings and Communications
Organize all society mailings to general membership. Taks include maintenance of membership lists.

Political Liaison
Responsible for communication between the society and political entities.

Business Liaison
Responsible for communication between the area’s business entities and the society.

Institutional Liaison
Responsible for communication with the area’s non-profit institutions including Pratt Institute, St. Joseph College, Fort Greene Association, Pratt Area Community Council, all churches, etc.

Find ways to raise funds for our organizations in collaboration with other committees, through existing programs and through new activities.