This is information regarding the DOT Ambassador Meetings which you are welcome to attend. We are all concerned about the changes that are occuring around the neighborhood with bike lanes that are being installed. The issue of these street and traffic changes will be addressed at our next general meeting on May 17. Announcement coming soon. You can also check out this article in DNA Info regarding the Clinton Avenue change to 1 lane.
Apr 12 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up from 3 PM to 6 PM at Myrtle Avenue and Clinton Avenue to talk about the proposed project and survey pedestrians passing by about their neighborhood! Stop by and receive a free giveaway!
Apr 13 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up from 10 AM to 6 PM at Flushing Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue , as well as DeKalb Avenue and Vanderbilt Avenue to talk about the proposed project and survey pedestrians and cyclists passing by about their neighborhood! Stop by and receive a free giveaway!
Apr 14 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up from 2 PM to 6 PM at DeKalb Avenue and Clinton Avenue surveying cyclists about biking in Clinton Hill. Come by with your to get free bike bells or lights!
Another team of Street Ambassadors with be set up near the Trilok Fusion Center For Arts (143 Waverly Ave) to talk about the proposed project! Stop by and get some free giveaways!
Apr 16 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up at Brooklyn Flea (176 Layfayette Ave) from 10 AM to 5 PM. The Street Ambassadors will also be set up Clinton Avenue Co-Ops (201 Clinton Ave) from 2:30 PM to 6 PM. Come learn about the proposed project and receive a free giveaway!
Apr 17 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up from 10 AM to 6 PM at Clinton Avenue and Lafayette Avenue (near Cadman Memorial Church) and near Clinton Avenue and Gates Avenue (near Galilee Baptist Church) to talk about the proposed project! Stop by and receive a free giveaway!
Apr 18 2016
Street Ambassadors in your neighborhood!
NYC DOT Street Ambassadors will set up from 10 AM to 6 PM on Vanderbilt Avenue & Flushing Avenue, giving away free bicycle lights or bells to people on their bikes! Take a quick survey to help us collect data on cycling in the area!
I live in this neighborhood (on Clinton Avenue) and suppport this DOT proposal. I have volunteered to make safer streets for everyone and was one of a small group of Ft Greene/Clinton Hill residents who recently gathered the signatures 1,600 of our neighbors in support of the improvements to Lafayette Avenue.
How does this organization presume to speak for this entire diverse neighborhood when it publishes postings that declare “We are all concerned about the changes that are occuring around the neighborhood with bike lanes that are being installed?
Hi Jeffrey; Thank you for your comment. First of all The Society for Clinton Hill was not “presuming” to speak for the neighborhood by posting this. We are simply advising the neighborhood of the Ambassadors Meeting in case someone would be interested in attending. We have been contacted by neighbors who also live on Clinton Ave as well as Lafayette Ave that were concerned about the process and the fact that many neighbors were never advised of such. The Society for Clinton Hill is merely notifying and can be concerned about anything that goes on in the neighborhood as the membership is comprised of our neighbors. We hope you will come to next meeting and if you are not a member hope that you join. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your response Suzanne. If you are simply advising and merely notifying then I urge you to change the language from one of “concern” to one of open interest in the proposal.
CB2 advised that the Transportation Committee will be meeting on May 17 (at Brown Memorial Church) and accept public comments as well as vote on making a motion to the full board on June 8.
This obviously is in conflict with the next general meeting.
Thank you Laila and yes you are correct. We may be re scheduling the General Meeting of SCH because of the conflict.