Dear friends, neighbors and Plaintiffs,
This coming Tuesday, March 19th, 2019, our land-use Attorney Jack Lester will present an oral argument to Judge Lynn Kotler on behalf of plaintiffs suing to protect Fort Greene & Clinton Hill’s contextual zoning.  The lawsuit focuses on the development of a tall building at 142-150 South Portland Ave- but portends the very same out-of-scale intrusions on any of our blocks-thus this case is meaningful beyond this address. 
If Attorney Lester prevails, it may mean case law precedent to prevent constitutionally impermissible ‘spot zoning’; to address the flouting of SEQRA /CEQRA ; & of course to thwart any developer’s effort to puncture the City Planning Commission’s comprehensive  land use plan ratified in 2007 as Contextual Rezoning  for our 99 blocks of Ft Greene and Clinton Hill.
Please come to this very important hearing-a large presence is imperative & will be noticed by the Judge hearing the case…and bring your friends & neighbors!
Thanks and kindest regards,
Sandy Reiburn
Preserve Our Brooklyn Neighborhoods
Hearing Date: Tuesday 3/19/19  10AM
Justice Lynn R. Kotler 
80 Centre St,   Part 8  Room 278
10 AM
Index # 0159401/2018
 MTA : 4 to Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall
             ‘C’ to Fulton St
             ‘Q’ to Canal St