Census 2020
It is not too late to submit the Census.
Census determines:
The number of seats in Congress per State
Federal Funding to States and their communities including:
Health clinics, Fire departments, Schools, roads and highways.
The census can shape many different aspects of your community.
The pandemic has been suppressing census response rates. It’s not too late. You can take the census online here.
Voters must wear a mask or face covering and stay six feet away from others when entering any Board of Elections facility.
Primary June 23
– Early Voting going on now thru Sunday 6/21 – go to Site locator for your early voting site location.
Early Voting Sites/Dates/Times
Election Day is Tuesday, June 23.
Election Day In-Person Voting:
Polls are open from 6 AM – 9 PM. To find your polling location, please visit the poll site locator. Due to COVID-19, polling sites may change. Be sure to confirm your polling location before heading out to vote.
For up-to-date information, visit: https://vote.nyc/page/absentee-voting
Election Day is next Tuesday 6/23. Your absentee ballot must be postmarked by that date. Apparently absentee ballots are arriving later than anticipated due to worker shortages.
Consequently, You are encouraged to do early voting – no lines – no crowds!
Early voting is going on now and ends Sunday 6/21.
Go to Site selector above to find your early voting site location and hours.
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